How to apply the concepts of sustainable development to transport?

This report has been produced by Technical Committee C2.1. Sustainable Development and Road Transport and provides an analysis of "How to apply the concepts of Sustainable Development to Transport?" from the approaches implemented in a few cases - either policies, programmes or projects. These cases were considered to be illustrative, relevant or even exemplary in this regard and which could show both what can be achieved and also what can lead to situations of deadlock.
This analysis of concrete cases involves four categories of examples:
• prior activities that aim to integrate the ideas of sustainable development within road infrastructure: the cases of Finges (Switzerland), the Kaga Route (Japan), the A45 Motorway (France) and the IC6, IC7, IC37 and IC12 itineraries network (Portugal).
• approaches which involve the implementation of transport policies in developing urban areas: the cases of Sapporo (Japan) and Lundby (Sweden).
• approaches which illustrate situations of deadlock arising from a failure to integrate the three areas covered by sustainable development: the road crossing of the "Golestan Jungle" in Iran, the case of the N2 Wild Coast Road in South Africa, the case of the Via Baltica motorway in Poland.
• the implementation of road policies in developing countries: the case of Guinea Bissau (transborder road project), Angola (rehabilitation of the Lubango region road network) and the Cape Verde Islands (rehabilitation of the roads on five islands).
Information sheet
- Date: 2007
- Author(s): Comité technique 2.1 Développement durable et transport routier / Technical Committee 2.1 Sustainable Development and Road Transport
- Domain(s): Road Policies / Environment
- PIARC Ref.: 2007R08EN
- ISBN: 2-84060-198-2
- Number of pages: 127